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郑州汽配大世界,是集汽配、汽保、汽修和汽车装饰为一体专业化的汽车服务市场。也是国内北方地区最大,专业化经营最为规范的汽车行业专业服务市场Zhengzhou auto world, is set to auto parts, automobile insurance, automobile and automobile decoration as one of professional auto service market. The largest is the northern region, professional operation is the most standard automobile industry professional services market in Zhengzhou auto world, is set to auto parts, automobile insurance, automobile and automobile decoration as one of professional auto service market. The largest is the northern region, professional operation is the most standard automobile industry professional services market
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编号 单位名称 经营范围 联系电话
20号 四方装饰用品批发 主营:羊毛座垫、仿羊毛座垫等 Main products: wool, wool cushion, seat cushion 0371-69339370
19号 新众鑫汽车用品批发 专业批发:冬夏座垫、座套、四季垫、地板 Professional wholesale: winter and summer cushions, seat cushion, floor, the four seasons 69339897
17-18号 河南公创汽车用品商行 专业批发:汽车脚垫、冬夏座垫等 Professional wholesale: car mat, cushion, winter and summer 0371-69180694
15号 风行汽车地毯 专业批发各种高、中、低档汽车脚垫等 Professional wholesale all kinds of high, medium, low car floor mat 0371-65733598
13号 鸿祥汽车精品 经营范围:DVD导航、高中低档脚垫等 Business scope: DVD navigation, high- middle and low floor mat 0371-86555260
12号 河南宝丽汽车用品 超丽冬夏座垫等 Super beautiful winter and summer cushions etc. 15303710398
33号 郑州正源汽车精品装饰 各种座垫、脚垫、后备箱垫等汽车用品 Various seat, floor mats, trunk mats and other automotive supplies 0371-56787901
10-12号 郑州莱恩汽车用品有限公司 汽车养护品牌:3M汽车用品等 Automobile maintenance brand: 3M automotive supplies 0371-65796866
32号 顺风汽车脚垫大全 专业批发高中低档汽车脚垫等 Professional wholesale high middle car mats etc. 0371-65720679
19号 河南、正兴汽车装饰 厂家直销:冬夏座垫、地板、脚垫大全等 Factory direct sale: winter and summer cushions, mats, floor, etc. 0371-56727075
30-31号 永昌汽车装饰 各种高中低档冬、夏汽车座垫 Selling all kinds of winter and summer car seat 13733830065
9号 河南洁美车饰 厂家直销:冬夏座垫、四季垫、座套等 Factory direct sale: winter and summer cushions, cushion, seat cover, the four seasons 0371-53727906
29号 河南。正伟汽车装饰 各种座垫、脚垫等汽车用品 Variety of cushions, pads and other automotive supplies 0371-60960085
8号 車e族全车改装 专业灯光改装升级等 Professional lighting retrofit upgrade 0371-86555199
28号 鑫缘汽车装饰用品 各种精品座垫 卡通座垫等 Various boutique cushions cartoon cushion, etc. 0371-86120396
7号 河南正建汽车用品 专业生产批发:汽车座垫、四季垫、座套大包围脚垫等 Specializing in the production and wholesale: car upholstery, four seasons cushion, seat cover surrounded by large mat etc. 0371-60963911
27号 新龙祥高级汽车座套 各种汽车座套等 A variety of car seat covers, etc. 0371-86617579
8排北4号 广州康泊汽车用品(郑州分公司) 经营范围:坐垫、脚垫、精品、贴画等 Business scope: cushion, the Ottomans, boutique, collage 0371-65853605
26号 郑州鑫玛泰汽车用品有限公司 汽车外饰用品 内饰用品 护理品等 Car Care Products Exterior Accessories Interior Accessories, etc. 0371-69180826
4号 旭天车饰 经营范围:无尘专业贴膜、原厂技术真皮等 Scope of business: clean professional patch, the original leather etc. 69339397